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Grace W - Sponsor Now

Grace W

Place Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School, Namabasa, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School

Age 9

Given Name Grace

Gender Female

Grade P1

Total Number of Children in Home 06

Life Story Grace is 9years old in primary one at Ebenezer Christian School. She lives with her needy parents who struggle to provide for her basic needs like school fees, clothing, medical and many other needs. Her father could not afford anything until he was given a job at Ebenezer Christian School in order to afford some needs for his family. Even with this job, he still struggles to meet everything since he has other children who need his support. Grace loves school and loves attending Church fellowship. She loves to play rope jumping with the other children everyday. Her ambition is to become a Nurse. She is trusting God for a sponsor.