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Blessing AK - Sponsor Now

Blessing AK

Place Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School, Namabasa, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian School

Age 10

Given Name Blessing

Gender Female

Grade P5

Total Number of Children in Home 6

Life Story Blessing was born on the 11/11/2013 on one of the beautiful hills of western Uganda. Blessing enjoyed the love and care of her parents. In 2018 the lovely family was struck by the death of her mother which came unexpectedly. This changed the life in the family and Blessing’s father was so much affected to the extent of being taken up by heavy drinking. He became an addict and as a result he subjected the little girl to multiple forms of child abuse and neglect. The local authorities had to look for a close relative to take away the girl. That’s how Blessing was picked by her aunt who stays with her up to now. Her aunt is a struggling widow with a big family; she can’t afford to take care of them all. The family is praying for God’s intervention.

Looking unto God for provisions.

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