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Victor Wangila - Sponsor Now

Victor Wangila

Place Namatala, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian School

Age 5

Given Name Victor

Gender Male

Grade Primary One (P.1)

Name of school(If not listed) Already listed.

Total Number of Children in Home 02

Life Story Victor was born on 25th/02/2018. He was abandoned by both young parents when he was 3 months old. His father was taken up by drugs and it’s even too risky to let Victor be near his father. His mother has no job, and she can’t take proper care of the boy. He was rescued by his maternal grandmother who still takes care of him up to now. Because of age and financial difficulties, the grandmother is not able to provide all the needs for Victor. He wants to become a bus driver and drive children to Ebenezer Christian School. His best meal is rice and meat. His best color is yellow. His prayer is for God to give him life and meet his needs.

Prayers for God's provisions.