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Sarah Soigi - Sponsor Now

Sarah Soigi

Place Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School, Namabasa, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian School

Age 11

Given Name Sarah

Gender Female

Grade P2

Total Number of Children in Home 5

Life Story She was born on 23rd/Dec/2012. Sarah comes from a family of 6 children. Her father disappeared from the home and for the last 10 years, no contact has ever been made. The fear is that he maybe dead. Sarah’s mother remarried but the step father looks at Sarah as an extra burden. She now stays with her aging grandmother. Sarah is traumatized by the disappearance of her father and she has a lot of questions about the whole situation but no answer. She misses that fatherly love and she hopes maybe one day her father will appear. Sarah lacks most of the basic needs of life. Her prayer is for God to provide all that she needs in life. She is looking forward to becoming a teacher at Ebenezer Christian School one day.

Praying to God to provide a sponsor