Place Namatala, Mbale, Uganda
Project Ebenezer Christian School
Age 10
Given Name Sarah
Gender Female
Grade P3
Total Number of Children in Home 8
Life Story Sarah was born on 22nd June 2014 to a lovely mother and father. Unfortunately her father died when Sarah was just one year old. A few months later her only sister also died. Things did not go well with her mother and they ended up being thrown out of the house. Without any support the mother kept on moving from one place to another looking for survival. It was risky for the child and sometimes Sarah was left alone in unsafe places. Later her aunt came in to save Sarah’s life which was at great risk yet her aunt also has many children, so she heard about Ebenezer Christian School and Sarah was brought. For the last five years no one has information about her mother's whereabout.
Prayers for Sarah