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Mathius - Sponsor Now


Place Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School, Namabasa, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian School

Age 16

Given Name Mathius

Gender Male

Grade P2

Total Number of Children in Home 7

Life Story Mathias was born on 14th/May/2008. He is the second born out of five children. His father died when Mathias was 8 years old. His mother could not afford to meet all the needs of the family. Mathias dropped out of school and started taking care of other people’s cows. Whatever payment he got out of that, was given to his mother to buy food for the family. Ever since his father died, Mathias is always sad. His love for education led him to Ebenezer Christian School. He is healing by the grace of God. His prayer is for God to provide for the needs of the family and to help him become an engineer in future.

Looking unto God for provisions