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Justine Ocheen - Sponsor Now

Justine Ocheen

Place Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School, Namabasa, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian Ministries

Age 16

Given Name Justine

Gender Male

Grade P6

Name of school(If not listed) Trinity Nursery and Primary School

Total Number of Children in Home 08

Life Story He was born on 13th October 2007 and lives with very needy parents who struggle to provide for the eight children. Affording one meal a day is just a miracle in this home. The family lives under very appalling conditions characterized with poor shelter(dilapidated grass thatched single room accommodating 10 people and above), lack of food, lack of beddings and adequate clothing, lack of safe water for home use etc. Besides the challenges, Justine is very hard working and a God fearing young man who loves studying science and social studies. His future ambition is to become a soldier. Best color is blue, and preferred food is Rice and beef He is trusting God to provide for his parents so that the living conditions at home can somehow improve.