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Jeremiah - Sponsor Now


Place Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School, Namabasa, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School

Age 8

Given Name Jeremiah Emmanuel

Gender Male

Grade P2

Total Number of Children in Home 3

Life Story He was born on 25thFebruary 2016. He is a needy boy studying at Ebenezer Christian primary school. He was advised to repeat primary one in order to gain more basic learning skills. He never went through a nursery school which affected his performance. He is staying with his parents who are not doing well financially. The school dues have become a problem though he is still in a lower class. His health problem is pneumonia during cold seasons. By God’s grace he is surviving. He loves playing foot ball. His dream is to become a teacher. His best subject is literacy (1 and 2) His prayer is for God to provide for all his needs.