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Jennifer Awori - Sponsor Now

Jennifer Awori

Place Namatala, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian Ministries

Age 10

Given Name Jennifer

Gender Female

Grade Primary three (P.3)

Total Number of Children in Home 02

Life Story Jennifer was born on 17th July 2014. She was born by a young mother who delivered her when she was a premature baby and was put on medication in a neonatal intensive care room for over two months. The mother at that time was a student who had no skills in baby handling. The needy and sickly grandmother was prompted to take care of baby Jennifer and initiated breastfeeding even at old age. Thanks to God that the baby improved and was discharged from hospital, God took care of her up to date. Life currently is so hard as Jennifer's grandmother is living with chronic illnesses'; HIV/AIDS, Hypertension, diabetes and peptic ulcer disease. She is struggling with needs like feeding, school fees, beddings, clothing, medical and others due to lack of income because she is too weak to perform her usual casual work. Accommodation is also a challenge since she is unable to pay rent. Jennifer loves Church and she is among those who study in children Sunday school. She loves Jesus even when her absentee father is a Muslim. She is praying to God to provide a sponsor who can support her through prayers.