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Faith Daphine 01 - Sponsor Now

Faith Daphine 01

Place Namatala, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian Ministries

Age 10

Given Name Faith Daphine

Gender Female

Grade Primary three (P.3)

Name of school(If not listed) ST. Andrews Junior School-Namunsi

Total Number of Children in Home 03

Life Story Faith was born on 14th/7/2014, to James Wandulu and Annet Nafuna who are the biological parents. She is the second born out of three children in a home. Her elder brother is called Madaya Emmanuel, followed by Faith and then the last-born Ethan Wandulu who is now three years old. Faith stays with her parents who are currently struggling to provide for the family. Her father runs a small business where he gets some small income to sustain the family. Her mother is not employed, she is sickly and always at home. Managing needs like school fees, clothing, beddings and medical care for faith and other children is now a big challenge. Faith is a very hardworking girl, and she always gets good grades at school. Her future ambition is to become a doctor so that that she can care for the sick. Her best subject is mathematics, best color is pink and her most preferred food is matooke, rice and meat. Her hobbies are jumping rope and playing with friends. Faith loves Church, and loves being in children Sunday school classes. She is trusting God to provide for her needs and also bless her with good health.