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Asad - Sponsor Now


Place Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School, Namabasa, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian School

Age 10

Given Name Asad

Gender Male

Grade P2

Total Number of Children in Home 5

Life Story He was born on the 16th of June 2014. He goes to Ebenezer Christian School, and he stays with his grandmother Elizabeth. The parents are struggling to support the family of four children with school fees and other requirements like beddings, cloths and food. They do not have a source of income. The mother is always sickly and always admitted in the hospital. So, they requested the grandmother to stay with Asad as they try to look for help. He is a well-behaved boy who loves school. His best food is rice, meat and fish. His best color is yellow. His prayer is for God to answer his prayers.