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Alako Naome - Sponsor Now

Alako Naome

Place Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School, Namabasa, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian School

Age 18

Given Name Naume

Gender Female

Grade Primary seven(P.7)

Name of school(If not listed) Already listed.

Total Number of Children in Home 05

Life Story Naume was born on 31st/12/2005. She is an orphan who lost her mother in January 2024. She has never seen her biological father since childhood because the mother divorced when she was only three months pregnant of Naume due to ill treatment and abuse. After she was born, her mother left her with the grandmother and went out to look for work in order to get some funds that would help in catering for the family. Even with the casual work she was doing, life became so hard for both Naume's mother and her grandmother due to the overwhelming needs. God led Naume to Ebenezer Christian School where she became one of the students from Primary two up to date. She got saved after she was introduced to Jesus. She loves school and her best subjects are mathematics and science. Her future ambition is to become a teacher. Her current challenges are school fees, clothing and beddings. She is trusting God to provide a sponsor who can prayerfully show support and love.

Naume is prayerfully trusting God for a sponsor!