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Agnes N - Sponsor Now

Agnes N

Place Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School, Namabasa, Mbale, Uganda

Project Ebenezer Christian Ministries Primary School

Age 15

Given Name Agnes

Gender Female

Grade p.7

Name of school(If not listed) Not applicable

Total Number of Children in Home 07

Life Story Nanzala Agnes is a needy girl who was born on 1st /August/2008. She is currently 15years old and stays with her struggling sister. She joined Ebenezer Christian School in 2021 after the father got involved in an accident and the mother also developed chronic heart disease. All these conditions made life hard for her parents as they have become very expensive to manage. The father was involved in a road traffic accident that caused mental instability and now not well coordinated. There are many struggles in the family as these parents cannot support the children's education plus providing for other basic needs of life. Other children are now staying with different relatives for care and support just like Agnes is with her sister. Her prayer is God's healing upon the parents and provision of school fees and other needs. She loves singing and loves being in Church. Her future ambition is to become a banker. Her best subjects are English and science.

Agnes needs all your prayers. May God fulfill the desires of her heart in Jesus' name!