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Noah Munga - Sponsor Now

Noah Munga

Project Ebenezer Christian Ministries

Age 10

Given Name Noah

Gender Male

Grade P.3

Name of school(If not listed) Nandago Primary School

Total Number of Children in Home 8

Life Story Born on 25th/06/2014, to Munga Geoffrey and Gimono Rose. Noah is the fourth born out of eight children. His father is a pastor at Nandago Baptist church. They live on a small church property. Feeding and other basic needs of life have become hard for the Pastor to meet for his big family. Noah’s family obeyed God’s call to serve in that area through sharing Christ to the lost souls. They are in this place because they are serving God. Through Ebenezer Christian ministries working with Pastors in mountain areas, the needs of the family became visible. God is doing great things for this church and trusting God to remember the family of the Pastor. Noah is a humble boy who loves soccer. His favorite color is blue.

Trusting God for provisions.