Published Mon, Mar 30, 20.
Written by Kim Harman.
Mission Mbale Family and Partners:
We pray this letter finds you healthy and safe, we are humbled over your prayers and financial support. God is answering those prayers in big ways!
As the Ugandan Government has ordered life to come to standstill in the face of this virus, know that GOD doesn’t stand still for one moment. God is still working miracles and opening doors for Mission Mbale’s partnership with Ebenezer Christian Ministries to continue transforming lives through the love of Jesus.
On April 1st, Ebenezer Christian Ministries was granted special permission by the government to become an Emergency Response Station during this massive shut down through April 14th. This action will allow them to prepare food bags for the needy, provide water to the community, provide emergency medical transportation in situations such as childbirth, and so many other things!
All for God’s Glory,
Mission Mbale
“And God is able to make ALL grace abound to you, so that having ALL sufficiency in ALL things at ALL times…you may abound in EVERY good work!” 2 Corinthians 9:8 esv